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  • About ELSIhub



One Platform for Everything ELSI

ELSIhub enhances the production and use of scholarship on the ethical, legal and social implications of genetics and genomics by supporting the resource sharing and community building activities of ELSI scholars, clinicians, educators, trainees, and the wider community. 

Explore ELSIhub


The topics search feature on ELSIhub enables quick access to all resource types on the platform organized by relevance. 

Large library full of books
A professor watches over a student reading

ELSI Scholar Directory

The ELSIhub Scholar Directory makes it easy to locate and connect with collaborators, mentees or mentors, policy advisors, or peer reviewers.


Visit the Resources page on ELSIhub to download tools to use in your research, explore a comprehensive database of ELSI publications, access synthesized ELSI scholarship to quickly get up to speed on a new topic, and link to useful content.

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard
A student works in front of a laptop computer


The Funding pages on ELSIhub offer one platform for funding opportunities for ELSI scholarship, abstracts and products of funded grants in ELSI, grantsmanship training videos, funding FAQs, and sample proposals to help you get support for your work. 

ELSIhub News & Events

Visit our ELSIhub News & Events page for the latest updates on ELSI news, events, publications, webinars, and job opportunities.  

A female speaker on stage in front of a crowd