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The language and practice of social ancestry and genetics are steeped in history. They increasingly influence discussions about the practice of science and the role of communities, yet the meanings and concepts used in those discussions are disputed. In this ELSI Forum on decoloniality and epistemological erasures in genomic research, we take up the topic of ancestry in genomics and ask how the question of ancestry would be viewed differently from an African perspective.

Laura Duque-Lasio, MD

ADWG ELSIconversations Session 3 - May 20, 2022

Question: If changes to these forms were to be recommended, what are the considerations that need to be made to implement these changes? Barriers/opportunities?

Goal: Identify the considerations necessary to change these clinical forms


Dee McKnight, PhD

ADWG ELSIconversations Session 2 - May 6, 2022

Question: What is the most important information, conceptually, for clinical genetics professionals to do their jobs well? Is the information always necessary; if not, when is it critical vs. extraneous? When is it potentially harmful?

Hannah Wand, MS, CGC

ADWG ELSIconversations Session 1 - April 29, 2022

Question: How is information about patient race, ethnicity, and ancestry on clinical laboratory requisition forms used in your work? In clinical genetics more broadly?

Goal: Understand context for race, ethnicity, and ancestry on clinical lab requisition forms

Charmaine Royal is Director of the Center on Genomics, Race, Identity, Difference (GRID) at the Social Science Research Institute, Duke University. GRID brings together collaborators and partners to explore issues at the intersection of genetics and race and other descent-related identities such as ancestry, ethnicity, tribe, and geographic and national classifications.

The Harvard/MGH Center on Genomics, Vulnerable Populations, and Health Disparities, headed by Director, Alexandra E. Shields, Ph.D., is a joint research center between Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital that conducts studies at the intersection of genomics, epidemiology, and health disparities research, with a specific focus on the diseases prevalent in populations currently underserved in the healthcare system.

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