TraineeHub: Mock Grant Reviews
"Mock Grant Reviews" took place on October 25, 2023.
Some things are best learned by getting your hands dirty—and grantsmanship, including peer review of NIH grants, is one such thing. What does the peer review process look like? What criteria drive the scoring of different types of grant applications? How do reviewers consider the strengths and weaknesses of a grant application? And, what is constructive feedback on a grant application? This session offers a hands-on and interactive experience in NIH grant review. Led by NHGRI experts who regularly oversee the grant review process and moderated by an ELSI researcher, mock reviewers will be assigned to review real grant applications, discuss the grants’ merits and challenges, and provide their scores. The audience will serve as the larger peer review committee. The mock peer review session will be followed by breakout sessions to reflect about the process, discuss the experiences and raise questions.
Resources from the session can be found here.
Dr. Nicole Lockhart's slide presentation from the session can be found here.