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Explore our curated collection of resources including top publication outlets for ELSI scholars, Centers of Excellence in ELSI Research, ELSI databases and research centers, genome research consortia, statutes and legislation related to genomics, and bioethics resources.

831 - 840 of 1099 Additional Resources

  • Prohibits school districts from collecting biometric information on students without the express written consent of parents or legal guardians. Biometric information is defined to include a DNA sequence. Died. Bill Status: Died

    • state bill
    • bill
    • bill status died
    • Missouri
    • genetic privacy

  • Prohibits a health carrier offering group health insurance coverage in connection with a group health plan from adjusting premium or contribution amounts for the group covered under such plan on the basis of genetic information. Such health carriers may request, but shall not require, that a participant or beneficiary undergo a genetic test if certain conditions are met. Died. Bill Status: Died

    • state bill
    • bill
    • bill status died
    • Missouri
    • health insurance nondiscrimination

  • Prohibits a person or entity from disclosing, obtaining, retaining, or using any biometric data about an individual, including DNA, with whom the person or entity is engaged in trade or commerce for any purpose other than that which the individual reasonably expects. Died. Bill Status: Died

    • state bill
    • bill
    • bill status died
    • Missouri
    • genetic privacy

  • A residual newborn screening specimen is retained for five years after initial submission to the department. After five years specimens are destroyed. Unless otherwise directed, a biological specimen may be released for anonymous scientific study. At the time of collection, the parent or legal guardian of the child from whom a biological specimen was obtained may direct the department to: (1) Return a biological specimen that remains after all screening tests have been performed; (2) Destroy a biological specimen in a scientifically acceptable manner after all screening tests required have been performed; or (3) Store a biological specimen but not release the biological specimen for anonymous scientific study. A biological specimen released for anonymous study may not contain information that may be used to determine the identity of the donor. The department has authority over the use, retention, and disposal of biological specimens and related information collected in connection with newborn screening tests. The use of such specimens and related information is for public health purposes and must comply with all applicable provisions of federal law. The department may charge a reasonable fee for the use of such specimens for public health research and preparing and supplying specimens for research proposals approved by the department.

    • state statute
    • Missouri
    • Newborn screening

  • An insurer in making any underwriting decision may not (1) require or request a person or his/her blood relative to provide genetic information or take a genetic test, (2) inquire about a genetic test or what the results of any such test were unless given approval by that person, or (3) consider without the approval of such person the fact that genetic information or a genetic test was taken or refused by a person or blood relative of the person or the results of a test. A violation is an unfair trade practice. The law does not apply to any policy, contract or certificate of life insurance, reinsurance, disability income or long-term care coverage.

    • state statute
    • Missouri
    • health insurance nondiscrimination
    • genetic privacy
    • disability

  • An employer may not use genetic information or genetic test results of an employee or prospective employee to distinguish between, discriminate against, or restrict any right or benefit otherwise due or available to such employee or prospective employee. Exceptions are provided for the underwriting of group life, disability income and long-term care insurance, actions required by law or regulation, action taken with written permission of an employee or prospective employee, and the use of genetic information when it is directly related to job performance and assigned responsibilities.

    • state statute
    • Missouri
    • employment nondiscrimination
    • disability

  • This section of the law is applicable to all insurance companies. A person who creates, stores, receives or furnishes genetic information must hold such information as confidential medical records and must obtain written authorization to disclose genetic information. Exceptions include statistical data compiled without reference to the identity of an individual, health research conducted in accordance with the provisions of the federal Common Rule, and health research using medical archives or databases in which the identity of individuals is protected from disclosure by coding or encryption, or by removing all identities. The director of insurance has the authority to enforce these provisions.

    • state statute
    • Missouri

  • A health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage may not establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility of any individual to enroll under the terms of the group health plan based on health status-related factors, including genetic information, or impose a pre-existing condition exclusion based on genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis. A small employer carrier may apply reasonable criteria in determining whether to accept a small employer into a class of business, provided that the criteria are not based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information.

    • state statute
    • Missouri
    • health insurance nondiscrimination

  • This bill amends the health insurance statutes and prohibits a group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage from imposing a preexisting condition exclusion on an individual under 19 years of age because of a preexisting condition. Genetic information may not be treated as a pre-existing condition under existing law. Measure failed. Bill Status: Died

    • state bill
    • bill
    • bill status died
    • Montana
    • health insurance nondiscrimination

  • This bill amends the genetic nondiscrimination law pertaining to life and disability insurance to exclude high deductible plans. Measure failed. Bill Status: Died

    • state bill
    • bill
    • bill status died
    • Montana
    • disability