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Research on the genetics of Psychiatric, Neurologic, and Behavioral (PNB) phenotypes reveals a panorama of complexity that creates several challenges: 1) the data are difficult for clinicians to assimilate and integrate into their practices, and even more so for patients and other members of society to understand and use; 2) because the traits investigated by PNB geneticists often have significance for our self-perceptions, new data can challenge our self-images in fundamental ways.

Harvesting the benefits of genomics requires a new kind of transdisciplinary cooperation. Over the next three years, we will create the Center for Transdisciplinary ELSI Research in Translational Genomics (CT2G) to address key ELSI questions in translational research. The proposed Center brings together the unique resources of Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC), including its Division of Research, and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), including the Hastings College of the Law Consortium on Law, Science & Health Policy.

Recent progress in genomic science has been accompanied by great expectations that we are on the verge of a medical revolution where genetic knowledge of the complex interaction between multiple genes and the environmental/behavioral factors impacting their expression, will redefine illness and health, guiding risk prediction, disease diagnosis and treatment strategies. As yet, with a few notable exceptions, the promise of genetically driven diagnoses and treatment remains largely theoretical.

The purpose of the Newborn Sequencing In Genomic medicine and public HealTh (NSIGHT) program is to explore, in a limited but deliberate manner, the implications, challenges and opportunities associated with the possible use of genomic sequence information in the newborn period. Funds will be used to stimulate research in three component projects specifically applicable to newborn screening:

1) Acquisition and analysis of genomic datasets that expand considerably the scale of data available for analysis in the newborn period.

This application proposes the continuation of a Center for Research on the Ethical, Legal & Social Implications of Psychiatric, Neurologic & Behavioral (PNB) Genetics at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC), in collaboration with The Hastings Center. We have been funded since April 2010, initially under a developing center award and since 2013 as a full Center of Excellence in ELSI Research (CEER).

Despite the vast diversity of its populations, genetic studies in Africa have been limited. African populations, Malians in particular, have a high rate of intra-ethnic and consanguineous marriage, resulting in increased prevalence of autosomal recessive diseases. Family-based genetic studies can be limited in developed countries due to small sib ships. The average fertility rate in Mali is over 6 births per woman, offering a unique opportunity to find new disease genes or mutations that can then be studied in other populations.

Noninvasive prenatal genetic testing, which utilizes cell-free fetal DNA and advances in sequencing technology, is revolutionizing the practice of obstetrics. While currently used as a screen for a limited number of aneuploidies and genetic conditions, noninvasive testing is anticipated to employ whole fetal exome and genome sequencing to identify not only monogenic disorders but also microduplications, microdeletions, and variants of uncertain clinical significance.

This project employs a multi-method, transdisciplinary approach that combines ethnographic participant- observation, interview research methods, ethical, legal, and public policy analyses. The two goals of the present project are 1) to identify the ethical, legal, and policy challenges that the field of psychiatric genomics will face when trying to translate the findings of large-scale GWAS into clinically useful information, and 2) to make evidence-based recommendations about how to address these challenges.

Prenatal testing is evolving in two important ways: first, advances in genomic medicine mean that samples of fetal DNA obtained with invasive methods (such as amniocentesis) can be analyzed using microarray analysis or whole genome sequencing, revealing far more information about the fetus's genetic make-up than was previously possible; and second, new, non-invasive prenatal tests have been introduced that isolate fragments of fetal DNA circulating in a pregnant woman's blood, making possible safe, highly accurate genetic testing much earlier in pregnancy than was previously possi

Concerns about privacy and personal identity impede use of data about genomic variation, phenotypes, demographics, and exposures from large numbers of people to uncover the contributions of such information on health and disease, knowledge that can improve clinical care. People worry that these data and genomic data in particular, cannot be secured. Many fear that data about them will be used in ways they oppose (e.g., to deny them and those they love access to jobs and insurance) because existing legal rules about such uses are not comprehensive.

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