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This position is part of The Ohio State University’s Provost’s Tenure-Track Fellow to Faculty Program.
The Provost’s Tenure-Track Fellow to Faculty Program is a two-year program that assists early career
scholars as they transition to the tenure track. The fellowship period provides for an in-depth start on
scholarship with limited teaching requirements (although Fellows may teach one course per year if they
choose) and designated faculty mentorship. Provost Fellows will also receive research funding and

Dee McKnight, PhD

​​​​​​​Date: May 6, 2022

Question: What is the most important information, conceptually, for clinical genetics professionals to do their jobs well? Is the information always necessary; if not, when is it critical vs. extraneous? When is it potentially harmful?

Goal: Distill the most relevant information among population descriptors that serves a purpose in the clinical curation pipeline, or other clinical genetics work

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