CERA Grant Writing Trainings
2. Writing Your NIH ELSI Grant: Getting Started
Updated on 11/6/2020
This video provides an overview of the many components of an NIH grant and explains how to find the instructions you need to complete these various components. It also provides an overview of the online systems you will use to submit and track your research proposal, and the registration requirements for using these systems. Finally, learn a few tips for planning a writing schedule and getting started writing your ELSI research grant.
Videos in Series
CERA Grant Writing Trainings - TraineeHub | Finding and Making Sense of NIH Funding Opportunities
CERA Grant Writing Trainings - TraineeHub | Grantsmanship Series: The Writing and Uses of Specific Aims
CERA Grant Writing Trainings - 1. ELSI Research Funding through NIH and NHGRI: An Introduction
CERA Grant Writing Trainings - 3. Writing Your Specific Aims
CERA Grant Writing Trainings - 4. The Research Plan
CERA Grant Writing Trainings - 5. The NIH Biosketch
CERA Grant Writing Trainings - 6. The Grant Writing Review Process