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  • Call for Proposals | ELSIcon2024



Call for Proposals

We welcome proposals for panels, papers, and posters on topics across the expanding range of ELSI research. Researchers, scholars, practitioners, trainees, policymakers, journalists, and the general public are invited to share and explore the latest ELSI research at ELSIcon2024. We welcome proposals for panels, papers, and posters on topics across the expanding range of ELSI research. The submission deadline is 11:59 PM EST, Friday, December 1, 2023. Please see our submission guidelines and format descriptions below.


Submission Guidelines

  • The submission deadline is 11:59 PM ET, Friday, December 1, 2023.
  • All proposals are to be submitted online via the ELSIcon2024 Ex Ordo site.
  • An individual may not submit nor participate in more than two proposals.
  • Upon proposal acceptance, all presenters must confirm participation and are required to complete registration for the three-day meeting
    • Please note: We strongly encourage in-person presentations but can accommodate some virtual presentations for those who are unable to attend in person due to distance or other concerns.
  • All accepted presenters and co-authors will be required to disclose any COI and complete video release forms.
  • A limited number of travel awards will be granted to trainees with accepted proposals (to apply see details below).

Questions? Email [email protected].

Content for Online Submission

  • Author: name of the person submitting the proposal, with credentials; discipline or field; academic or professional level; institution name; city and state; email address; phone number; and role (corresponding author, presenting author, or co-author)
  • Intention to present in-person or virtually if the proposal is accepted
  • Title of proposal
  • Co-Authors: For proposals with multiple presenters and/or co-authors, include the following information for each individual: name; email address; and role (co-author, presenting author, corresponding author)
  • Abstract: presentation description (not to exceed 250 words)
    • Please note: Panel abstracts may be up to 500 words. Please submit the first paragraph (or up to 250 words) in the abstract field and then upload a pdf of the complete abstract when prompted near the end of the submission
  • Format: from the dropdown menu, select your format (see format descriptions above):
  • Panel (4-5 speakers, 90 min)
  • Paper (1 speaker, 20 min)
  • Poster (1 or more presenters, up to 10 minutes recorded online and/or 2 hours in person)
  • Topic: from the dropdown menu, choose your topic area (up to 3 areas can be chosen for each abstract)
  • Additional Information: please enter requested demographic information, keywords, and for panel submissions only - upload a pdf of your abstract of 500 words or less. (If you are submitting a paper or poster, do not attach anything here).

Please note: You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission approximately 30 minutes after the process is completed.  

Registration and Fees

ELSIcon2024: The 6th ELSI Congress will take place from June 10-12, 2024, at Columbia University in New York City. This hybrid meeting will offer approximately 175 panels, papers, and posters in 36 90-minute sessions over the three days and in two poster sessions. Breakfast and lunch are provided each day and there will be two evening poster session receptions with complimentary drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

  • Hybrid Meeting: All events will be in-person and available on Zoom for virtual presenters and the online audience, including virtual Q&A. Talks may be presented remotely on Zoom, if necessary, though we strongly encourage in-person presentations and attendance.
  • Registration Fees:
    • In-person registration fee: $300
    • Virtual registration fee: $75
  • Please note: Trainees may apply for a waiver or reduced fee, see Travel Award Applications details. 

Please email [email protected] if you have any queries. 

Review and Notification

  • Proposals will undergo double-blinded review from at least three non-conflicted reviewers unaffiliated with the proposal submitter.
  • Only complete, online submissions will be reviewed.
  • You will be notified of your proposal's status by mid February 2024.

Travel Award Applications

15 Travel Awards will be granted to trainees with accepted proposals (including posters). Awards will cover registration costs and provide a travel allowance up to a maximum of $1000.

To apply, please email [email protected](link sends e-mail) and attach:

  • Your CV
  • A statement of your career objectives (not to exceed 250 words)
  • A letter of support from your mentor, including confirmation of trainee status and statement of need, explaining why institutional funding is not available

Award applications are due by February 24, 2024.

Notification of travel awards will be sent out in mid-March 2024.

Format Descriptions

Panel Session (90 Minutes)

The ideal panel session includes a variety of perspectives on a cohesive theme and includes presenters from different fields, disciplines, and/or institutions. Panels are limited to a maximum of 5 presenters, including one designated as moderator. At least 30 minutes should be reserved for questions from the audience.

We strongly encourage panel presentations to be given in person

For panels presented in-person we ask that all members of the panel present in-person at the conference

For panels presented virtually we ask that all members of the panel present online

Please note: Please email [email protected](link sends e-mail) to request accommodations to these presentation requirements

Paper session (90-minute sessions; 20 minutes for each of up to 4 papers)

Each presenter will have 20 minutes to present a work-in-progress or recently published paper (including 5 minutes for questions from the audience.) The presenters will be scheduled in groups of four papers by topic.

We strongly encourage paper presentations to be given in person

Poster (Two 2-hour sessions)

Posters should demonstrate or explain a concept or present data from a research project. 4’x6’ (horizontal) posters will be displayed during two evening receptions; experienced scholars will lead “poster walks” on various topics for trainees and other interested attendees. Posters will also be hosted on a virtual poster site as narrated pdfs, slides or movies.

We strongly encourage posters to be given in person

Social, cultural, political, and economic developments around the world, along with the rapid technological transformation of genomic science, raise considerations for the ethical conduct and equitably beneficial implementation of genomic discovery. ELSIcon2024 will focus on innovative, integrative research and scholarship on the potential benefits of genomics research while embracing a wide range of ELSI topics from across the broadening genomic landscape.