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CERA/ELSIhub events and other events of interest to the ELSI community are listed here, including virtual, in-person and hybrid events. Please submit your event using the "Add Event" button; it will be reviewed and posted as soon as possible, usually within two business days. 

Submit Event

  • Current Type/Date/Location
  • Registration/Hosts/Speakers
  • Keywords/Description/Contact
  • Image/Relevance
  • Complete
Indicates required field

Events on ELSI issues, or otherwise relevant to the interests of the ELSI community will be accepted for posting; accepted events generally appear online within two business days following the event submission.

When will this event occur?

Event Type
Set your event series by typing a few letters from the series, then select it from the dropdown list above. If this is a new series, simply enter the name in this field.
Please check if this is an "In Person Event", "Virtual Event" or both.
In person event
Enter the address of the event.
Please check if this is an "Online Event".
Virtual Event