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Project Narrative We will continue the effort to promote the development of novel yet practical solutions for important privacy and security challenges in human genomic research, via organizing genomic privacy/security competitions and workshops, with emphasis on engaging/supporting researchers from nationally underrepresented groups to participate in our competitions and attend the workshops.

PROJECT NARRATIVE Between 1907 and the mid-1970s, 32 US states passed and implemented eugenic sterilization laws that authorized the sterilization of people considered unfit. Our epidemiological, historical and mixed-methods analysis of over 32,000 eugenic sterilization requests in five US states (California, North Carolina, Iowa, Michigan and Utah) identifies varying demographic patterns and documents changes in how eugenics laws were applied over time.

PROJECT NARRATIVE We will undertake epidemiological, historical and mixed-methods analysis of nearly 30,000 eugenic sterilization requests processed by three U.S. states: California, North Carolina, and Iowa, between 1919 and 1974. Working with de-identified datasets and using methods we developed during the R21 phase of this project, we will estimate and compare population-based rates of sterilization according to gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, diagnosis, state, and time period.

From the passage of the country's first sterilization law in Indiana in 1907 until the 1960s approximately 60,000 people were sterilized based on eugenic criteria that sought to regulate the reproduction of the "unfit" and mentally deficient. California performed about 20,000, or one-third, of all documented sterilizations nationwide. Few empirical historical analyses of this practice are available. In 2007, while conducting historical research at the Department of Mental Health (now Department of State Hospitals) in Sacramento, Dr.

From the passage of the country's first sterilization law in Indiana in 1907 until the 1960s approximately 60,000 people were sterilized based on eugenic criteria that sought to regulate the reproduction of the "unfit" and mentally deficient. California performed about 20,000, or one-third, of all documented sterilizations nationwide. Few empirical historical analyses of this practice are available. In 2007, while conducting historical research at the Department of Mental Health (now Department of State Hospitals) in Sacramento, Dr.

PROJECT NARRATIVE We will undertake epidemiological, historical and mixed-methods analysis of nearly 30,000 eugenic sterilization requests processed by three U.S. states: California, North Carolina, and Iowa, between 1919 and 1974. Working with de-identified datasets and using methods we developed during the R21 phase of this project, we will estimate and compare population-based rates of sterilization according to gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, diagnosis, state, and time period.

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