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This short (3 minute) English language video provides information on Alzheimer's disease, including its genetic component. This video underscores Alzheimer's disease as a complex and multi-determined condition; it clarifies that predictive genetic testing offers a probability of developing the disease, not a definite result. For a study that utilizes this video: Pavarini, G., Hamdi, L., Lorimer, J., & Singh, I. (2021).

This assent form from the NCGENES: A Next-Generation Sequencing Platform for Genetic Diagnosis study is designed for the adolescent (aged 15-17) relatives of NCGENES study participants with a genetic test result containing a variant of uncertain significance (VUS). This assent is for the relative to be tested for the VUS previously identified in the NCGENES study participant, not enrollment in the full NCGENES study.

This consent/ assent form for adults, adolescents, and parents of minors in the Personalized Medicine Based on Molecular Profiling of Patients with Cancer study includes consent to the use of tumor cells to create cell lines, consent to additional analysis of the sequencing data for research purposes, and "right not to know" provisions for results that may have significance for biological family members and results that may have potential medical impact.

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