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30041 - 30050 of 30231 Topics

  • Grant Abstract

    Barriers in Translating Genomic Research into State Public Health Programs

    This revised application for a Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01) is designed to support the career of Laura Senier, MPH, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-…
  • Grant Abstract

    Biobanking at Birth: Parental Attitudes towards the Use of Perinatal Samples

    The ability to utilize biospecimens collected at the time of birth for research that integrates genetic variation, social and environmental exposures, and health outcomes may be an invaluable…
  • Grant Abstract

    Clinical Integration of Whole Genome Sequencing: A Policy Analysis

    Innovations in next-generation DNA sequencing technologies, accompanied by exponential drops in cost, have made it possible for clinicians to begin to use whole genome sequencing (WGS) to diagnose,…
  • Grant Abstract

    Genetic Ancestry Inference: Developing Best-Practice Guidelines

    The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) requests financial support to partially defray speaker and participant travel expenses for an "Ancestry Inference Roundtable" to be held in May…
  • Grant Abstract

    Enhancing the Biobanking Informed Consent Process to Improve Comprehension

    Obtaining valid consent for the collection and storage of biospecimens and data for future, unspecified research use remains a significant challenge. Numerous studies have documented that research…
  • Grant Abstract

    Liability in the delivery of personalized medicine: driver, impediment, or both?

    Personalized medicine (PM) has the potential to transform medicine and the health care system over the next decade. An overlooked variable that will play an important role in the implementation of PM…
  • Grant Abstract

    Risk-Benefit Trade-Offs for Whole Genome Sequencing

    New technologies are enabling the arrival of the much awaited affordable genome the ability to sequence an individuals or a tumors entire genome quickly and inexpensively [whole genome sequencing (…
  • Grant Abstract

    A Risk Management Framework for Identifiability in Genomics Research

    When the Human Genome Project was completed almost ten years ago it cost millions of dollars to sequence an individual's genome. Yet, the evolution of high-throughput sequencing and…
  • Grant Abstract

    CSER RoRC Centralized Support Coordinating Center

    The Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) and Return of Results Consortium (RoRC) programs are designed to investigate critical questions about the application of genomic sequencing to…
  • Grant Abstract

    Intellectual Property and Access to Noninvasive Prenatal Genetic Testing

    The purpose of this study is to provide empirical data on effects of intellectual property (IP) and commercialization on clinical translation of noninvasive prenatal genetic testing (NIPT) and…