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181 - 190 of 731 Topics

  • Grant Abstract

    Dissemination of a BRCA1 Predisposition Testing Program (II)

    This is a multi-site randomized study comparing standard genetic counseling (GC) to an enhanced consent-based (EC) model. The investigators will compare the effects of the two interventions on…
  • Grant Abstract

    Distance-learning for IRBs on Ethical Issues in Genetics

    This is an innovative proposal to use the Internet to connect institutional review board (IRB) administrators from five institutions for distant learning on ethical issues in genetics. In addition to…
  • Grant Abstract

    Ethical Issues in International Health Research

    This is a project of the Harvard School of Public Health in collaboration with Tufts University Medical School; Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Cuernavaca, Mexico; The University of Natal School…
  • Grant Abstract

    Prenatal Diagnosis and the Selection of Children

    Given the current and anticipated capabilities to perform prenatal diagnosis, the medical profession, and society more broadly, must decide how these technologies should be used. Specifically, what…
  • Grant Abstract

    "American Indian and Alaska Native Genetics Research Policy Formulation Meeting"

    The ELSI program, together with NIGMS, provided funding for an American Indian and Alaska Native Genetics Research Policy Formulation Meeting, which was held in Rio Rancho, New Mexico on February 7-9…
  • Grant Abstract

    Genetic Ties and the Future of the Family

    The proposed research is a comprehensive assessment of the ethical, legal and social implications of non-forensic identity testing, with a special focus on implications for families. The research…
  • Grant Abstract

    Family as Context for Clinical Genetics

    The Family as Context in Clinical Genetics Project (FCCGP) is an innovative Web-based curriculum that focuses on the integration of the new genetic knowledge into clinical practice and uses the…
  • Grant Abstract

    Enhancement Ethics and the Molecular Genetics of Aging

    Advances in the molecular genetics of cellular aging raise the prospect of intervening in the human aging process to dramatically extend the human life span. The development of such interventions…
  • Grant Abstract

    Developing and Deploying the DNA Patent Database

    This 2-part project will enhance the usefulness of the existing DNA Patent Database and perform a pilot study of the licensing practices and policies of academic institutions. Specifically, it will…
  • Grant Abstract

    Outcomes of Genetic Testing for Hearing Impairment

    Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is a heterogeneous group of disorders that collectively represent the most common congenital deficit in humans. More than 100 genes have been implicated in SNHL. Our…