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The language and practice of social ancestry and genetics are steeped in history. They increasingly influence discussions about the practice of science and the role of communities, yet the meanings and concepts used in those discussions are disputed. In this ELSI Forum on decoloniality and epistemological erasures in genomic research, we take up the topic of ancestry in genomics and ask how the question of ancestry would be viewed differently from an African perspective.

Due to advances in genomic sequencing and reduced costs, the development of statistical techniques and technologies for analysis of large datasets, and a scientific interest in population-specific knowledge of the genetic and environmental bases of human diseases, Africa has witnessed an exponential increase in genomic research on the continent.

PROJECT NARRATIVE: Genetic counseling and health education are essential components of any early diagnosis program for sickle cell disease to ensure that risk results are effectively communicated by healthcare workers to those at-risk couples and their families. These are also important within the context of culture and health literacy because health beliefs and attitudes of the general public have a significant impact on health seeking behaviors that substantially influence reproductive decisions made by individuals and families.

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