NIH Sep 21, 2021 | R21
Integrating Nurse Champion Model for Group Reproductive Genetic Counseling for Sickle Cell Hemoglobinopathies into Primary Care: A Pilot Implementation Science Study
FOA Number: RFA-HG-20-049
PROJECT NARRATIVE: Genetic counseling and health education are essential components of any early diagnosis program for sickle cell disease to ensure that risk results are effectively communicated by healthcare workers to those at-risk couples and their families. These are also important within the context of culture and health literacy because health beliefs and attitudes of the general public have a significant impact on health seeking behaviors that substantially influence reproductive decisions made by individuals and families.
R21Project Number:
R21HG011929Start Date:
Sep 21, 2021End Date:
Sep 22, 2021PROJECT TERMS:
acceptability and feasibility, Address, Adopted, Africa, Africa South of the Sahara, Alternative Health, Attitude to Health, Awareness, base, Birth, Birth Records, carrier testing, Categories, Child, Child Health, Childbirth, Client, Climate, Clinical, Clinical Nursing, Clinical Pathways, Communication, Communities, Complement, Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, cost, Cost Analysis, Counseling, Country, Couples, Decision Making, design, Diagnosis, Early Diagnosis, Educational Curriculum, Educational Intervention, effectiveness implementation study, effectiveness testing, Endemic Diseases, Ensure, Evaluation, evidence base, Family, Feasibility Studies, feasibility testing, formative assessment, Fostering, Foundations, gene therapy, General Population, genetic carriers, Genetic Counseling, genetic counselor, Genetic Diseases, Genetic Screening, Genetic Services, genetic testing, Genomics, Goals, group counseling, group intervention, Health, health belief, health care availability, Health education, health literacy, Health Personnel, health seeking behavior, Health Services, Health system, Healthcare, Healthcare Systems, hemoglobinopathies, High Prevalence, Hospitals, Immigrant, implementation barriers, implementation cost, implementation facilitators, implementation framework, implementation outcomes, implementation process, implementation protocol, implementation science, improved, Incidence, Income, Individual, Infant, innovation, interest, Intervention, Interview, Knowledge, Location, Marriage Ages, Methods, Minority, Modeling, Morbidity - disease rate, mortality, Neonatal Screening, Nurses, nursing intervention, Nursing Protocols, Nursing Research, organizational readiness, Outcome, Outcome Study, Patients, Performance, Population, preference, Primary Health Care, Process, Professional Organizations, programs, Provider, Public Health, Readiness, recessive genetic trait, Recommendation, reproductive, Research, research study, Resources, Risk, Rural Hospitals, satisfaction, Self Efficacy, service delivery, service uptake, Sickle Cell, Sickle Cell Anemia, Sickle Cell Trait, Sierra Leone, Site, Solid, Testing, Therapeutic Intervention, Training, Training Programs, underserved area, Underserved Population, uptake, Urban Hospitals