The Personal Utility Scale (PrU)
The Patient Reported Utility (PRU) of Clinical Sequencing Survey asks participants to rate how useful they find nineteen outcomes of genome sequencing on a scale ranging from 1 (not at all useful) to 7 (extremely useful).
Research Population:
Turbitt, E., Kohler, J. N., Angelo, F., Miller, I. M., Lewis, K. L., Goddard, K. A. B., Wilfond, B. S, Biesecker, B. B., & Leo, M. C. (2023) The PrU: Development and validation of a measure to assess personal utility of genomic results. Genetics in Medicine, 25(3), 100356.
Turbitt, E., Kohler, J. N., Angelo, F., Miller, I. M., Lewis, K. L., Goddard, K. A. B., Wilfond, B. S, Biesecker, B. B., & Leo, M. C. (2023) The PrU: Development and validation of a measure to assess personal utility of genomic results. Genetics in Medicine, 25(3), 100356.