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  • This bill amends the definition of personal information under the Personal Information Privacy Act. Protected personal information is defined to include biometric information such as DNA. The 2019 HB 1943 is now Act 1030. Bill Status: Enacted

    • Privacy
    • bill
    • amendment
    • personal information
    • Personal Information Privacy Act
    • biometric information
    • Arkansas
    • bill status enacted

  • This statute provides for the protection of personal information maintained by businesses, including biometric information. Biometric information is defined to include DNA.

    • Privacy
    • statute
    • personal information
    • business
    • biometric information
    • protection
    • Arkansas

  • This statute states that employers may not seek to obtain, use or require a genetic test or genetic information to distinguish between or discriminate against persons applicants or employees. Criminal and civil penalties are set forth for violations.

    • statute
    • employers
    • genetic testing
    • Privacy
    • genetic information
    • nondiscrimination
    • penalties
    • Arkansas
    • employment nondiscrimination

  • No individual records of subjects in genetic research studies approved by an institutional review board or conducted subject to the requirements of the federal common rule may be subpoenaed or subject to discovery in civil suits except in cases where the information in the records is the basis of the suit. These records may not be disclosed to an insurer or employer without the informed written consent of the subject. Stored tissues, including blood, that arise from surgery or other diagnostic and therapeutic steps may be disclosed for genetic or other research studies if the patients name or social security number is not attached to or included with the specimen. Identifying information may be disclosed with the informed written consent of the individual. Published results may not identify a subject unless the individual has provided specific informed consent.

    • statute
    • Privacy
    • Informed Consent
    • written consent
    • insurer disclosure
    • employer disclosure
    • genetic research studies
    • stored tissue
    • Arkansas

  • Insurers except those offering life, disability income and long-term care plans may not request or require an individual or family member to obtain a genetic test for the purpose of determining eligibility, establishing premiums, limiting, renewing or terminating coverage, or another other underwriting activity or condition a policy on an individual taking a genetic test.

    • statute
    • genetic test
    • nondiscrimination
    • insurance policy
    • insurers
    • insurance eligibility
    • insurance
    • Arkansas
    • health insurance nondiscrimination
    • disability

  • Accident and health insurance companies, hospital service corporations, health maintenance organizations, or other accident and health insurance providers must offer coverage, as an essential health benefit, for mammogram screening, mammography and breast ultrasound for the diagnosis of breast disease. Coverage is required upon the recommendation of a physician without regard to age when a woman has (1) a prior history of breast cancer, (2) her mother or sister has a history of breast cancer, (3) positive genetic testing, or (4) other risk factors.

    • statute
    • genetic testing
    • mandatory coverage
    • coverage
    • mammogram screening
    • mammography
    • breast ultrasound
    • breast disease
    • Arkansas
    • health insurance coverage

  • Preexisting condition exclusions may not be based on genetic information in the absence of a diagnosis. Insurers issuing group health plans may not establish rules for eligibility or continued eligibility based on a health status-related factor, including genetic information.

    • statute
    • genetic information
    • pre-existing condition
    • health insurance
    • insurance
    • Arkansas
    • health insurance nondiscrimination

  • This bill amends existing law pertaining to pregnancy blood samples. Existing law provides for the use of samples for approved research projects and establishes confidentiality and privacy protections with regard to samples and related personal information. This bill renames the term "pregnancy" blood samples by referring to them as "newborn" blood samples. Measure failed. Bill Status: Died

    • bill
    • Privacy
    • pregnancy blood samples
    • blood samples
    • newborn blood samples
    • California
    • bill status died

  • This bill requires the health department to charge a fee to researchers and health care providers who have been approved by the department to use stored umbilical cord, pregnancy blood, or newborn blood samples for research to cover the costs of administering the program. Signed by the Governor October 11, 2007. (The bill goes into effect only if 2007 AB 34, which was enacted during the 2007 session, becomes law before January 2008.) Bill Status: Enacted

    • bill
    • California
    • blood samples
    • pregnancy blood sample
    • newborn blood sample
    • umbilical cord blood sample
    • bill status enacted

  • The bill establish fees, which the department may collect from researchers who have been approved by the department and who seek to umbilical cord blood, pregnancy blood collected by the Genetic Disease Screening Program, and stored by the Birth Defects Monitoring Program, and newborn blood collected by the Genetic Disease Screening Program. Fees may not to exceed the costs of administering the program and collection and storage of the samples. Signed by the Governor September 30, 2008. Bill Status: Enacted

    • bill
    • California
    • Genetic Disease Screening Program
    • Birth Defects Monitoring Program
    • sample storage
    • umbilical cord blood sample
    • pregnancy blood sample
    • bill status enacted