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281 - 290 of 732 Topics

  • Grant Abstract

    Hemophilia 'A' Carrier Testing--Acceptance and Reactions

    This study will (a) describe the medical, genetic, and carrier knowledge and beliefs in a population of female relatives of individuals with severe type A hemophilia before and after the relatives…
  • Grant Abstract

    An Empirical Study of Change in Public Genetic Discourse

    This study employs a critical content analytic approach to ascertain the degree of perfectionist, essentialist and discriminatory social norms associated with the rise in public discourse about…
  • Grant Abstract

    Summer Genetics Program for Nursing Faculty

    The two specific aims for the proposed summer genetics program for nursing faculty are: (a) to increase nursing faculty knowledge about human genetics and its clinical application, and b) to increase…
  • Grant Abstract

    Expanded Genetics Educational Program for Nursing Faculty

    The two specific aims are unchanged for the expanded Genetics Educational Program for Nursing Faculty: a) to increase nursing faculty knowledge about genetics and its clinical application, and b) to…
  • Grant Abstract

    The Genome Project and Technologies of Enhancement

    The goal of this project is to identify and analyze the challenges that genetic enhancements pose for American health policy and social policy. It will place genetics into the context of other…
  • Grant Abstract

    The Impact of DNA Typing on Criminal Investigations

    The proposed study will investigate the utilization and impact of DNA profiling (DNA 'fingerprinting') in criminal cases, exploring the integration of a powerful new technology into the…
  • Grant Abstract

    Implications of Genome Research: A Model College Course

    This project will develop a new multidisciplinary undergraduate course in the ethical, legal, and social implications of the Human Genome Project. The course will offer a case-study oriented approach…
  • Grant Abstract

    A Program for Expanding ELSI Undergraduate Pedagogy

    In response to the extraordinary interest in and demand for substantial training in undergraduate ELSI education, Dartmouth College's Ethics Institute proposes to expand the number of annual…
  • Grant Abstract

    Implications of Genome Research: A Summer Institute

    During each of the summers of 2000, 2001 and 2002, Dartmouth's Ethics Institute proposes to offer a Faculty Institute to a group of 20 college and university teachers in order to prepare them to…
  • Grant Abstract

    Anticipating Enhancement: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues

    This project will delineate the major ethical, legal and social issues accompanying the use of genomic information to enhance normal traits in individuals and families, and to identify the precedents…