ELSIconversations ELSICon2022: Stakeholder Perspectives on Data Sharing and Privacy
Co-Moderators: Vasiliki N. Rahimzadeh, PhD; Sara Ackerman, PhD, MPH; & Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, PhD
Presenters: Karen Meagher, PhD, Alyx Vogle, MS CGC, & LaKisha David, MCP, PhD
Links to pre-recorded videos:
- Karen Meagher, PhD: ELSI and the New Precision Stewards?
- Alyx Vogle, MS CGC: INSIGHT @ Work: An Interdisciplinary Study on the Ethical, Legal and Social, Implications (ELSI) of Voluntary Workplace Genomic Testing (wGT)
- LaKisha David, MCP, PhD: An Exploration of Family Connection and African Ethnic Identity Development Among African Americans Finding African Genetic Relatives While Using Consumer Genetic Genealogy Services
Links to optional reading:
- Establishing a blockchain-enabled Indigenous data sovereignty framework for genomic data
- The new precision stewards?
- Why paying individual people for their health data is a bad idea
- Employees' views and ethical, legal, and social implications assessment of voluntary workplace genomic testing
- Voluntary workplace genomic testing: Wellness benefit or Pandora's box?
This series includes selected recordings from the 2022 ELSI Congress, grouped by topic into four one-hour discussion and networking sessions. The presentation authors will briefly recap their research at each session, followed by moderated discussion and audience Q&A.
Suggested citation:
Rahimzadeh, V. N., Ackerman, S., & Lee, S. S-J., Meagher, K., Vogle, A., & David, L. (2024, November 29). Stakeholder perspectives on data sharing and privacy [Video]. The Center for ELSI Resources and Analysis (CERA). https://elsihub.org/video/elsiconversations-elsicon2022-stakeholder-perspectives-data-sharing-and-privacy
Videos in Series
ELSIconversations 3: ELSIcon2022 - ELSIconversations ELSICon2022: Access to Genetic Screening and Therapies: Case Study of Sickle Cell Disease
ELSIconversations 3: ELSIcon2022 - ELSIconversations ELSICon2022: The All of Us Research Program: What Duties do Researchers Have When Conducting Precision Medicine Research?
ELSIconversations 3: ELSIcon2022 - ELSI and the New Precision Stewards?
ELSIconversations 3: ELSIcon2022 - Investigating an Ethos of Duty in Precision Medicine Research Calls for Minority Participation
ELSIconversations 3: ELSIcon2022 - White racial framing and comfort with medical research: a critical analysis
ELSIconversations 3: ELSIcon2022 - A Survey on Public Perception toward the Korean National Bio Big Data Project