NIH Sep 11, 2020 | K99
Conceptualizing Actionability in Clinical Genomic Screening
Institution: University of Pennsylvania
FOA Number: PA-19-130
Project Narrative. This K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award will prepare the candidate to become an independent, mixed-methods ELSI researcher pursing a research program on ethical issues related to the actionability of genomic information. The study examines the values and assumptions underlying conceptualizations of the actionability of genomic information for healthy populations. Results of the study will contribute to the ethical and effective implementation of genomic sequencing into care for healthy populations.
K99Project Number:
K99HG010905Start Date:
Sep 11, 2020End Date:
Aug 31, 2022PROJECT TERMS:
American, Award, Bioethics, Biomedical informatics, care providers, career, Caring, Clinical, clinical implementation, Collaborations, Consensus, Data, Development, Diagnosis, directed attention, Disease, Disputes, Educational workshop, Ethical Issues, ethical legal social implication, Ethics, Faculty, Future, Genetic, genetic information, genome sciences, Genomics, Goals, Guidelines, Health, health management, Healthcare, Individual, innovation, Interdisciplinary Study, Intervention, Interview, Laboratories, Level of Evidence, lifestyle intervention, Literature, Medical, Medical Genetics, medical schools, Medical Sociology, Mentors, Mentorship, Methodology, Methods, Natural Language Processing, Outcome, Paper, Pathogenicity, Pathway interactions, Patients, Penetrance, Policies, Population, Positioning Attribute, prevent, primary care setting, Primary Health Care, programs, Provider, Publishing, Qualitative Methods, Reading, Recommendation, Recording of previous events, Research, Research Personnel, Research Priority, Risk, Science, screening, Severities, skills, Structure, Surveys, Technology, Testing, Training, Training Programs, Translations, Variant