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The purpose of PediSeq: The Pediatric Genetic Sequencing Project was to identify best practices for educating patients about exome and genome sequencing, determining the sequencing data relevent to patients, and returning results. This informed consent form and HIPAA authorization is appropriate for use with parents of study participants and children capable to providing assent. It contains consent to future analyses of test results, use of data or specimens for future research, future contact, and photgraphs, in addition to consent to study participation.

The Follow Through on Medical Actions Attributable to Genomic Testing Survey, developed by the Clinical Utility, Health Economics, and Policy (CUHEP) working group, measures whether parents of pediatric patients took actions (such as sharing the results with healthcare providers) after receiving positive or negative findings on their child's genetic test.

The Patient-Initiated Actions Attributable to Genomic Testing Survey, developed by the Clinical Utility, Health Economics, and Policy (CUHEP) working group, asks adult patients to report whether they took any actions following the return of genetic test results, including making changes to their own or their child's health care, lifestyle, or insurance.

Christensen and colleagues developed a survey to enable parents of pediatric patients to set preferences for return of individual results from research on pediatric biobank samples based on disease preventability and severity.The survey also enables participants to exclude mental health, developmental, childhood degenerative, and adult-onset disorders. During the course of this study, participants also reviewed a hypothetical results report with conditions divided into categories based on preventability and severity and were offered the opportunity to revise their preferences.

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