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291 - 300 of 732 Topics

  • Grant Abstract

    Genetic Education for Southeastern States (GenESES)

    The purpose of this project is to develop, implement and evaluate a model comprehensive genetic education program for health, education and human services professionals in Mississippi. The project…
  • Grant Abstract

    Genetic Dilemmas in Primary Care: An Educational Program

    This project will develop, produce, disseminate and evaluate a one-hour educational videotape for primary care clinicians (physicians, nurses, others) on the clinically relevant science and…
  • Grant Abstract

    The ELSI Electronic Case Book Project

    This pilot project will develop a World-Wide Web document, the ELSI Electronic Case Book, to introduce primary care physicians and non physician providers to their future roles as facilitators of the…
  • Grant Abstract

    Managing Enhancement: Professional Ethical and Public Policy Issues

    In their previous project, these investigators examined the ethical and legal issues raised by the prospect of using the products of human genome research for enhancement purposes. This work…
  • Grant Abstract

    Public Health Genetics: An Education Model

    The University of Michigan School of Public Health will develop, implement, evaluate, document and disseminate a model curriculum concentration in public health genetics. The public health genetics…
  • Grant Abstract

    Genline: An Electronic Clinical Genetics Knowledge Base

    The broad, long-term objectives of this proposal are to develop Genline, an electronic clinical genetics knowledge base, to assist health professionals in using the scientific advances of The Human…
  • Grant Abstract

    Effects of Restricting Insurers' Use of Genetic Info

    About a dozen states have enacted laws restricting health insurers' use of genetic test information, and a new federal law declares that asymptomatic genetic predisposition to illness does not…
  • Grant Abstract

    Mapping Genetic Knowledge: An Anthropological Study

    This is a comparative anthropological analysis of the social networks associated with three groups of heritable connective tissue disorders: 1) Marfan syndrome, epidermolysis bullosa and…
  • Grant Abstract

    A Model for State Policy on Genetic Testing/Screening

    The New York State Task Force on Life and the Law will analyze the appropriate role for state government in issues of genetics policy, identify specific issues involving genetic testing and screening…
  • Grant Abstract

    An Experimental Study to Improve Risk/Benefit Appraisal

    The specific aims of this research are to develop, implement, and assess the effectiveness of a decision balance risk-benefit component as part of the informed consent process for women deciding to…