NIH Sep 1, 2001 | R03
Cultural and Ethical Issues in Genetic Family Studies
Institution: University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Department of Cellular and Structural Biology
FOA Number: PA-00-132
This anthropological study is designed to: (1) determine whether subjects' beliefs about the hereditary aspects of DN influence participation in genetic family studies (GFS), (2) explore subjects' opinions and awareness of ethical issues and risks related to their participation, and (3) analyze ethnic differences in attitudes towards participation in GFS. This project will combine qualitative and quantitative methods to determine the generalizability of the qualitative findings and enhance the interpretability of the quantitative data. The study will be conducted in two phases: The Qualitative Phase I (24 months) will be based on an exploratory design using ethnographic methods of open-ended questions, probing, and participant observation. We will recruit subjects from the ongoing Family Investigation of Nephropathy and Diabetes (FIND) study at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). Semi- structured interviews will be performed with 40 diabetic nephropathy (DN) patients with a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and 40 of their relatives. An additional 20 DN patients with no family history of T2DM will be included. Most interviews will be conducted at UTHSCSA and last about 60 minutes. They will be tape-recorded, transcribed and content- analyzed to identify themes across cases. Based on these themes, we plan to develop a quantitative questionnaire that will first be tested, validated, revised and applied to participants of different ethnic origins enrolled in our Center. In the Quantitative Phase II (36 months), we will mail this questionnaire to a larger population participants (about 700) of different ethnic origins enrolled in other participating centers of FIND. Data analysis for this Phase will include both univariate and mutlivariate statistics. The statistical packages SAS and MINITAB will be utilized to perform these analyses. The investigators expect to obtain data on: (1) subjects' beliefs about genetic diseases and participation in GFS. (2) recruiters' perspective on family enrollment. (3) association of participants' responses with demographic characteristics. (4) ethnic differences in attitudes towards participation in GFS.
R03Project Number:
R03HG002381Start Date:
Sep 1, 2001End Date:
Aug 31, 2003PROJECT TERMS:
Attitude, behavioral /social science research tag, Belief, Clinical Research, culture, diabetic nephropathy, Ethics, family genetics, genetic susceptibility, Health behavior, Health education, health science research, human subject, Informed Consent, Interview, longitudinal human study, medical complication, medical outreach /case finding, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Questionnaires, racial /ethnic difference, statistics /biometry