NIH Aug 17, 2001 | R01
Parents' Interpretation and Use of Genetic Information
Institution: University of Illinois at Chicago
FOA Number: PA-96-042
The purpose of this study is to explore the interplay of parents' beliefs and behaviors in order to identify information management styles used by families in which there is a child with a genetic condition. In addition, the role that health care professionals play in helping families manage genetic information will be explored. Specific aims: 1) identify family information management styles by a) describing the parents' knowledge, beliefs and behavioral strategies for interpreting and using genetic information; b) describing the family and health care context in which information management occurs; and c) further refining the styles using family context variables of life satisfaction, family functioning, and child functional status; 2) identify factors that facilitate or impede the parents' ability to access, interpret, convey, and use information; 3) describe health professionals' beliefs and strategies for helping parents use genetic information; and 4) examine the linkages between the views and strategies of parents and health care professionals. Using a noncategorical approach, 75 to 100 families (N=182 parents) of a school- aged child with a genetic condition will comprise the sample. Parents will be invited to participate in a tape recorded semi-structured interview, and complete three structured instruments measuring life satisfaction, family functioning, and child's functional status. Twenty-seven health care professionals from clinics the child with a genetic conditions attends will also be invited to be interviewed about their role in information management. Qualitative analysis of the interview data will focus on identifying major themes and overarching patterns (styles) of information management of parents and health care professionals. Cluster analysis will be used to refine the family information management styles. The results will inform professionals working with families, and contribute to the development of expert clinical judgment as a basis for addressing families' questions and concerns about a child's genetic condition.
R01Project Number:
R01HG002036Start Date:
Aug 17, 2001End Date:
Jul 31, 2005PROJECT TERMS:
Attitude, audiotape, behavioral /social science research tag, Belief, case history, computer data analysis, computer program /software, Decision Making, family genetics, family structure /dynamics, Genetic Counseling, genetic susceptibility, health care personnel, health care service utilization, Health education, health services research tag, human subject, Information Systems, Interview, longitudinal human study, parent offspring interaction, Questionnaires, socioenvironment, sociometry