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231 - 240 of 241 Research Tools
Inteview Guide: Knowledge and Attitudes about Privacy and Secondary Data Use among African-Americans Using Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing
Year: 2022Ziegler and colleagues developed this semi-structured, qualitative, interview guide to elicit perspectives from Black/African-American participants on direct-to-consumer genetic testing.
Research Population: AdultsContact: [email protected] -
Interview Guide: Diverse Parental Perspectives of the Social and Educational Needs for Expanding Newborn Screening through Genomic Sequencing
Year: 2022Timmins and colleagues created this semi-structured interview guide to explore parents' perspectives on expanded newborn screening through genomic sequencing.
Research Population: AdultsContact: [email protected] -
The Public Understanding and Attitudes towards Genetics and Genomics (PUGGS) Questionnaire
Year: 2017Carver and colleagues developed the Public Understanding and Attitudes towards Genetics and Genomics (PUGGS) questionnaire to assess college students' knowledge of genetics, including gene-env
Research Population: AdultsContact: [email protected] -
How Does Genetic Ancestry Testing Affect Perceptions of Race? Conjoint Survey Instrument
Year: 2022The Conjoint Survey Instrument is a survey instrument developed for the study “How Does Genetic Ancestry Testing Affect Perceptions of Race?” The study explores how respondents make racial classifi
Research Population: AdultsContact: [email protected] -
Black-White Race Morphs Research Tool
Year: 2022The Black-White Race Morphs Research Tool is a resource comprised of 240 morphed images combining same-gender Black and White face images.
Research Population: AdultsContact: [email protected] -
Race Attributes in Clinical Evaluation (RACE) Scale
Bonham and colleagues developed the Racial Attributes in Clinical Evaluation (RACE) scale to assess the degree to which health professionals employ race in their clinical decision making.
Research Population: Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, NursesValidation(s):Bonham, V. L., Sellers, S. L., Woolford, S. (2014). Physicians’ knowledge, use, and beliefs about race and genetic variation: New measures and new insight. BMC Health Services Research, 14, Article 456.
Contact: [email protected] -
The Parental Personal Utility Scale (Parent PrU)
Year: 2024The Personal Utility Scale (PrU) asks participants to rate how useful they find nineteen outcomes of genome sequencing on a scale ranging from 1 (not at all useful) to 7 (extremely useful).
Research Population: Adults, ParentsValidation(s):Turbitt, E., Kohler, J. N., Brothers, K. B., Outram, S. M., Rini, C., Sahin-Hodoglugil, N., Leo, M. C., & Biesecker, B. B. (2024) The Parent PrU: A measure to assess personal utility of pediatric genomic results. Genetics in Medicine, 16(1), Article 100994.
Contact: [email protected] -
Perceived Caregiving Interactions and Behaviors: Malfeasance, Nonfeasance, and Uplift Scales
Year: 2023The Perceived Caregiving Interactions and Behaviors: Malfeasance, Nonfeasance, Uplift Scales are used to examine whether levels of nonfeasance, malfeasance, and uplift are associated with the…
Research Population: AdultsValidation(s):Ashida, S., Marcum, C. S., & Koehly, L. M. (2017). Unmet expectations in Alzheimer’s family caregiving: Interactional characteristics associated with perceived under-contribution. The Gerontologist, 58(2), e46–e55.
Koehly, L. M., Ashida, S., Sumrall, S., & Hyman, S. (2023). Caregiving interactions and behaviors in the care of children with rare genetic or undiagnosed conditions. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32, 3501–3514.
Contact: [email protected] -
Hierarchical Mapping Technique
Year: 1986The Hierarchical Mapping Technique, best described in the measures section of the validation included here, enables the collection of information about social network structure using a concentric…
Research Population: AdultsValidation(s):Antonucci, T. C., Ajrouch, K. J., & Webster, N. J. (2019). Convoys of social relations: Cohort similarities and differences over 25 years. Psychology and Aging, 34(8), 1158-1169.
Contact: [email protected] -
Perceptions of Uncertainties in Genome Sequencing (PUGS) Scale
Year: 2017The Perceptions of Uncertainties in Genome Sequencing (PUGS) Scale was developed to evaluate perceived uncertainties in genome sequencing.
Research Population: AdultsValidation(s):Biesecker, B. B., Woolford, S. W., Klein, W. M. P., Brothers, K. B., Umstead, K. L., Lewis, K. L., Biesecker, L. G., & Han, P. K. J. (2017). PUGS: A novel scale to assess perceptions of uncertainties in genome sequencing. Clinical Genetics, 92(2), 172-179.
Umstead, K. L., Campbell, R., Napier, C. E., Bartley, N., Best, M. C., Butow, P. N., Biesecker, B. B. Further validation of the Perceptions of Uncertainties in Genome Sequencing scale among patients with cancer undergoing tumor sequencing. (2022). Clinical Genetics, 102(2), 110-116.
Contact: [email protected]