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PROJECT NARRATIVE Advancements in prenatal genetic screening have significantly improved the identification of chromosomal abnormalities and heritable conditions during pregnancy, yet current standards for patient education in this domain are largely ineffective. The most effective approach to education about prenatal screening, is one-on- one genetic counseling, but due to the limited number of counselors this is not feasible, especially in rural and frontier areas.

PROJECT NARRATIVE: Genetic counseling and health education are essential components of any early diagnosis program for sickle cell disease to ensure that risk results are effectively communicated by healthcare workers to those at-risk couples and their families. These are also important within the context of culture and health literacy because health beliefs and attitudes of the general public have a significant impact on health seeking behaviors that substantially influence reproductive decisions made by individuals and families.

PROJECT NARRATIVE The University of Utah Center for Excellence in ELSI research explores issues relevant to population testing and screening for genetic conditions in the healthcare of women and children, as well as ELSI issues arising from testing and screening in the broader family context and responses to disabilities identified through genetic technologies. The Center supports cores in research, education and career advancement, and administration.

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