Setting up a Biorepository (Video), The VALUES Project, The VALUES Project, Patient Values and Attitudes about a Library of Knowledge: Uses of EHRs and Samples in Research
This short (2–3 minute) animated video in one in a series of six, English language videos in this database that describe the concept and process of precision medicine research. The video series was developed for the VALUES Project, Patient Values and Attitudes about a Library of Knowledge: Uses of EHRs and Samples in Research, with health communications experts at Booster Shot Media. In the VALUES project, the videos were shown ahead of focus group discussions with a multilingual set of research participants about the use of their EHR data and biospecimens in precision medicine research. For studies that utilize these videos see: Lee, S.S., Cho, M.K., Kraft, S. A., Varsava, N., Gillespie, K., Ormond, K. E., Wilfond, B. S., Magnus, D .(2018) “I don't want to be Henrietta Lacks": Diverse patient perspectives on donating biospecimens for precision medicine research. Genetics in Medicine; Cho, M. K., Varsava, N., Kraft, S. A., Ashwal, G., Gillespie, K., Magnus, D., Ormond, K. E., Thomas, A., Wilfond, B. S., Lee, S. S-J. (2017) Metaphors matter: From biobank to a library of medical Information. Genetics in Medicine; and
Research Population:
Lee, S.S., Cho, M.K., Kraft, S. A., Varsava, N., Gillespie, K., Ormond, K. E., Wilfond, B. S., Magnus, D. (2018) “I don't want to be Henrietta Lacks": Diverse patient perspectives on donating biospecimens for precision medicine research. Genetics in Medicine, 21(1), 107-113.