Consent to Share Genetic and Health Information, Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen)
This one-page consent form helps to faciliate consent and promote broad genomic data sharing in the clinical setting. The language use on the form is consistent with the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy and the NHGRI Informed Consent Resource. The consent form was developed by the Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen), a not-for-profit, National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded resource dedicated to sharing genetic data, building knowledge, and improving patient care. The file contains two pages; one with the ClinGen logo in the bottom corner and the other without the logo. ClinGen also created a supplemental video and brochure that can be viewed in concert with this form for more information on genomic data sharing, including the risks and benefits invovled.
Research Population:
Riggs, E. R., Azzariti, D. R., Niehaus, A., Goehringer, S. R., Ramos, E. M., Rodriguez, L. L., Knoppers, B., Rehm, H. L., & Martin, C. L. (2019). Development of a consent resource for genomic data sharing in the clinical setting. Genetics in Medicine, 21(1), 81-88.