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21 - 30 of 239 Research Tools
Questionnaire: “Data in question. ELSI Challenges in Biobank-based Research”
Year: 2019Goisef and colleagues developed a survey for professionals working in research-based biobanks in Europe that assess their satisfaction with current ELSI-related procedures.
Research Population: ResearchersContact: [email protected] -
Health Care System Distrust Scale
Year: 2004Rose and colleagues developed a 10-item scale to measure distrust of the United States healthcare system (defined as hospitals, health insurance companies, and medical research) for use in the inve
Research Population: AdultsValidation(s):- Rose, A., Peters, N., Shea, J. A., & Armstrong, K. (2004). Development and testing of the health care system distrust scale. Journal of general internal medicine, 19(1), 57-63.
- Shea, J. A., Micco, E., Dean, L. T., McMurphy, S., Schwartz, J. S., & Armstrong, K. (2008). Development of a revised Health Care System Distrust scale. J Gen Intern Med., 23(6), 727–732.
SF-12 Health Survey
Year: 1996Ware and colleagues developed the SF-12, a shortened version of the 36-item short-form (SF-36) health survey, to measure physical and mental health in studies with large samples or constraints on q
Research Population: AdultsValidation(s):- Ware Jr., J. E., Kosinski, M., Keller, S. D. (1996). A 12-item short-form health survey: Construction of scales and preliminary tests of reliability and validity. Medical care, 34(3), 220-233.
The Personal Utility Scale (PrU)
Year: 2023The Patient Reported Utility (PRU) of Clinical Sequencing Survey asks participants to rate how useful they find nineteen outcomes of genome sequencing on a scale ranging from 1 (not at all useful)
Research Population: AdultsValidation(s):Turbitt, E., Kohler, J. N., Angelo, F., Miller, I. M., Lewis, K. L., Goddard, K. A. B., Wilfond, B. S, Biesecker, B. B., & Leo, M. C. (2023) The PrU: Development and validation of a measure to assess personal utility of genomic results. Genetics in Medicine, 25(3), 100356.
Contact: [email protected] -
CSER Phase 2 Patient-Initiated Actions Attributable to Genomic Testing (PIA) Survey
Year: 2019The Patient-Initiated Actions Attributable to Genomic Testing Survey, developed by the Clinical Utility, Health Economics, and Policy (CUHEP) working group, asks adult patients to report whether th
Research Population: Adults, Parents -
CSER Phase 2 Follow Through on Medical Actions Attributable to Genomic Testing (MRA) Survey
Year: 2019The Follow Through on Medical Actions Attributable to Genomic Testing Survey, developed by the Clinical Utility, Health Economics, and Policy (CUHEP) working group, measures whether parents of pedi
Research Population: Parents -
Making improvements in hospital care survey
Year: 2016The Making Improvements in Hospital Care Survey is a 32-item survey instrument designed to measure patient preferences for consent to non-invasive, quality improvement interventions in the hospital
Research Population: AdultsValidation(s):- Kaplan, S. H., Gombosev, A., Fireman, S., Sabin, J., Heim, L., Shimelman, L., Kaganov, R., Osann, K., Tjoa, T. & Huang, S. S. (2016). The patient's perspective on the need for informed consent for minimal risk studies: Development of a survey-based measure. AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 7(2), 116-124.
Contact: [email protected] -
Instrument for assessing mass media reporting of disease-related genetic discoveries
Year: 2002Instrument for assessing mass media reporting of disease-related genetic discoveries is a 38-item tool for evaluating the quality and balance of media stories reporting genetic discoveries related
Research Population: N/AValidation(s):- Mountcastle-Shah, E., Tambor, E., Bernhardt, B. A., Geller, G., Karaliukas, R., Rodgers, J. E., & Holtzman, N. A. (2003). Assessing mass media reporting of disease-related genetic discoveries: Development of an instrument and initial findings. Science Communication, 24(4), 458-478.
Genetic Literacy Fast Test (GeneLiFT)
Year: 2020The Genetic Literacy Fast Test (GeneLiFT) is a self-administered genetic literacy test for individuals who intend to undergo genetic screening with return of results.
Research Population: AdultsValidation(s):- Rasouly, M. H., Cuneo, N., Marasa, M., DeMaria, N., Chatterjee, D., Thompson, J. J., Fasel, D. A., Wynn, J., Chung, W., Appelbaum, P., Weng, C., Bakken, S., & Gharavi, A. G. (2020). GeneLiFT: A novel test to facilitate rapid screening of genetic literacy in a diverse population undergoing genetic testing. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 00, 1–13.
Contact: [email protected] -
Genetic Essentialism Scale for Race (GESR)
Year: 2019The Genetic Essentialism Scale for Race (GESR) measures beliefs about the relationship between genes and race with 15 items.
Research Population: AdultsValidation(s):- Yaylacı, Ş., Roth, W. D., & Jaffe, K. (2019). Measuring racial essentialism in the genomic era: The genetic essentialism scale for race (GESR). Current Psychology, 1-15.